People Module
- Customers involved in business
- Keep track of Customer documents
- Track customer quotations, Orders, Invoices and Payments
- Manage Customer based tickets with Tasks task module
Supplier / Vendor
- Suppliers involved in business
- Keep track of Supplier documents
- Track supplier quotations, Invoices and Payments
- Manage Supplier based tickets with Tasks task module
- Employees in the firm
- Keep track of employee documents
- Track employee tasks, leave and salaries with Payroll payroll module
- Manage employee tasks to track their presence in business task module
- Contrators in the firm
- Keep track of contractor documents
- Track contractor tasks, leave and salaries with Payroll payroll module
- Manage contractor tasks to track their presence in business task module
- People Master - import people having various information. Documents attachment and photo upload also possible
- Role based access control and system audit trails - The access to various transactions is very fine grained and can be controlled at each small transaction level for each user
- Customer Login - Create logins for all your customers to view their information, invoices and payments
- Supplier Login - Create logins for all your supplier to view their information, invoices and payments
- Employee Login - Create logins for all your employee or contractors to view their payments, leaves and tasks
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